How I Became Me | Teen Ink

How I Became Me

May 19, 2023
By Anonymous

“who are you?” Now I am being asked that question for the millionth time. i'm a kind, honest, and respectful person to anyone I meet right away. I got my kindness from my older sisters, Stormy and Raven.  always had my back growing up and influenced me in a positive way. Stormy was the most influential in my life, she would be the person I’d run to when I’m upset or got hurt and she would comfort me. From growing up with mainly girls I’ve learned to be nice to others, I now speak honestly to who I speak with. I used to not be honest, but my sisters would know when I’m lying so I never got out of it, it makes things easier to be honest than lie. They’re my family, and they’ve always respected my decisions but given me advice when they knew my decisions were questionable. I would be rude to people I didn’t know as a kid, sometimes I’d punch other kids in the face because they said something I didn't like or that didn’t agree with what I said. My sisters would be there to tell me I did wrong and to control my anger and think about what the other person is saying.

From having them as my family I can respect others without using violence. I now listen to what others say even if it’s against what I’m saying because some people’s opinions can help me understand certain things. With conflict between another person I stay calm and speak in a monotone voice so I don’t show anger or boredom. Learning to be honest has put me in a good place because I’m more open with my mother and tell her if I did something wrong because she will look out for me. I don’t like lying to my friends or people I meet, to me if I lie and they find that lie to be proven false then I would look bad, and I don’t want to be pictured as a liar or someone who can’t be trusted. I’ll always be a genuine real person from the start and you’ll understand who I am the better you get to know me.3

The author's comments:

Hi, I'm Dakota Kincheloe. I'm 17 and a junior. This is a project in English we wrote when we were learning the importance of a college/career essay.


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