Sea Stairs | Teen Ink

Sea Stairs

March 7, 2023
By Anonymous

 As fast as a cheetah I parked my bike eager to get on the waves. I snatched my sand covered board and jogged to the edge of the sidewalk. Letting the cool morning air sink in through my lungs was everything. I could smell the salty water and the waves crashing into the shore. I hopped into my wetsuit that was still damp from the previous morning. Slowly I slipped off my crocks and tiptoed off the sidewalk. I shivered as I let my toes sink into the tickly soft sand. I break into a full on run as my heart leaps with joy at the familiar placid sight of the waves. Doing my signature belly flop into the water, the coolness rushes through my body. Chills went down my spine as the cool water rushed through my hair. I leaped onto my board gliding through the waves effortlessly. I let my thoughts drift with the rapid waves. Ducking under the first wave I felt something bang against my arm. Coral? No, I’m too far out. I whipped my board back around and saw what looked like stairs? It looked like a fairytale, with red carpet on each soaked step. As I follow with my eyes up the stairs I realize they go up and up and never ending. I ran my finger along the left side of the stair feeling its rough texture. How is this possible? Did somebody build this? My brain rained with a thousand thoughts. I tried to calm myself a bit then another popped up. What if I can climb it? My heart suddenly felt like a train pounding down the tracks. Maybe I'll just test it out. I swung my leg around clinging on the first soaked stair using my board to support me. I hesitated for a moment but in a split second my curiosity took over. This was so cool! Before I could think to stop myself I started quickly climbing up the stairs towards the gleaming sun that lured me in like a fish.

The author's comments:

It's about the ocean because I love the ocean.


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