Golden Kingdom | Teen Ink

Golden Kingdom

March 13, 2023
By KevinTheWriter BRONZE, Garden Grove, California
KevinTheWriter BRONZE, Garden Grove, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As a teenager. You start judging more things than usual. I wake up, trying to remember what day it is. Right, it’s the last week of summer vacation. The last week before I took my first steps into high school. Because of that awful memory, I went to the living room to ask my mom if there were any fun plans set for the week. 

“Good morning mom, I was wondering if-”

She interrupted. “It’s about time you woke up dear. What would you like for breakfast?”

“Um, some waffles would be fine.” I said tiredly.

“So mom, as I was saying, I was wondering if we have any more plans for the last week of my vacation.”

She replied. “Sorry son,  you know me and your dad. We mostly work on the weekdays.”

“Right, – maybe we can go to the beach this weekend?”

“Unfortunately, we can’t go early.” She said, “We have a first shift schedule this weekend. We could still go to the beach, but only in the evening.”

“That’s alright.” I said.

She took out her phone to make a call. “I’m calling your grandparents to see if they’ll like to come with us,” she said, “Maybe they'll give you some advice before entering your new school.”

It’s Saturday. The warm weather woke me up with a great yawn. I realized that we would go to the beach at 5:00 pm, so I packed the things I’d need for the trip. I finished packing my things, now all I had to do was wait for my parents.

After a few hours, my parents arrived, and got packed up quickly before the trip. My mom told me that we were going to a new beach, one that we haven’t gone to before. But it was quite far; 70 minutes – at least with no traffic. We drove to a nearby Chick-fil-a for some sandwiches and drinks. As I was eating my “spicy deluxe,” I wanted to know the beach's name.

“Hey dad, do you know what the beach is called?”

“Not sure.” He said, “It was a Spanish name, something like Rhino De Oro.”

I opened my smartphone’s GPS and searched up “Rhino De Oro.” It was actually named “Reino de Oros Beach.” I looked at the beach in images and It looked so pleasant, but there were only images filled with sunlight. I wondered what it would be like at night. When I took a final bite of my sandwich, we were driving on the freeway. 

Thoughts of the future were going crazy in my brain. It was just one more day until high school. I really didn’t like the idea of not seeing most of my friends anymore, having stricter rules, more complicated assignments, and most importantly, starting over again. I decided to take a nap long enough to last for the rest of the trip. Luckily, my parents turned on the radio station, and there was chill music.

We arrived at the beach, and glanced at its beauty. It was a big, coastal beach with a cool, blue-green sea. I saw several beach tents, so I assumed it wasn’t very crowded as it is in the morning. My mom called my grandparents to tell them we arrived. They arrived much earlier than us because they fortunately had their full days off. 

We set our tent in a sunny area where there was solitude for our family.

As soon as I put sunscreen on, I ran to the sea with my dad to get cool. My mom and grandparents just decided to watch us swim. After swimming for almost two hours, I laid in the sand, just enjoying the day. It was almost 8:00, which meant that we could almost see many stars above the sky. As I saw people leaving the beach, I turned around and saw a cave.

 I asked my parents if I could explore it before we left. They said yes, but I had to do it quickly because I had to help them pack up. The cave was dark, really dark, so I went back to get my smartphone. As I returned, I turned on the flashlight to see if there was something in there. I saw a pocket-sized, golden rock surrounded by dirt. “This would make a nice collectible,” I said. I dug it out of the dirt and it looked like actual gold.

“Adrian!” said my mom loudly.

I ran back to help them out with the tent; we said goodbye to my grandparents. After that we got in the car, ready to go home.

“Hey mom,” I said as I stretched my arm to the front seat “Look at this rock I found at the cave.”

“Well that’s a beautiful stone.” she said. “Leave it next to the other collectibles you have in your room.

I played video games until we got home, and I hoped that we’d visit this place again. We made it home at 11.00 and I was pretty exhausted. This was a great day to celebrate. I forgot about Sunday, which was tomorrow, so I decided to watch a movie before I go to sleep. I put the golden rock next to me. I don't know, maybe it was a lucky rock. The movie ended and I slowly closed my eyes. I wake up, laying down on an uncomfortable floor. I looked up, and I gasped at what my eyes were gazing at. Where am I?!. This is definitely not a dream. I was dreaming of other things. I ended up in some sort of ancient city, made out of gold. I saw people dressed like native Americans, only that most of their clothing was covered in golden silk. Houses decorated with gold, sidewalks decorated with gold. Every single rock was gold! I had to figure out what was going on, so I asked a random guy what the heck was this town. “Speaks ancient language?” He said. I turned around as soon as I heard what he said. As far as I know, people speak gibberish, in a town covered in gold, as if it wasn’t worth anything. I don’t even know if this is real.

The author's comments:

I really like adventures that just happen randomly. This piece is dedicated to a story my dad told me when I was young.


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