School for the "Gifted" | Teen Ink

School for the "Gifted"

December 17, 2013
By Anonymous

As they reached the entrance they took a quick look over their shoulder to check if somebody was around but as usual no one was there. Nick Hit the button and the door slid open they rushed through the tunnel but Thomas, who was leading suddenly stopped and motioned for silence he could tell something was up. As soon as they stopped they could hear the Headmaster's voice. Billions of thoughts went through Nicks mind, how did he get here, why was he here, what will he do if he finds us. As they sat there he started to talk “what keds are out of there rooms!?!?!?!?” exclaimed the head master.
“yes sir but could not confirm their Identity,” said what they guessed was a guard
as the headmaster was distracted Nick inched forward and saw Rose and Rebecca passed out on the couch. but as soon as he tried to turn and run the headmaster’s head snapped in his direction.
“guards!” yelled the headmaster
Nick tried to run but one of the guards hit him with a dart and all of a sudden he felt very sluggish and just before he passed out he yelled “RUN”
When he wakes up he is strapped to a bed and has needles and wires attached to him.
“good you're awake.” The headmaster said “can we start the tests”

The author's comments:
this is just an excerpt from my novel


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