The Hunter | Teen Ink

The Hunter

October 6, 2014
By caseIH BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
caseIH BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Lifes a garden. Dig it

It had been one early morning on a Friday Buck woke up at 5:30 A.M. same as he did every morning. He got up went into the was a small cabin, It had only one bedroom and a bathroom. The cabin was on a hillside in the snowy mountains of Montana.

He lived off the land. He had a small kitchen with a stove and a oven. Both used gas. Outside he had a tool shed which Buck had made into a shop where he could skin and clean the game he killed. That is where he stored his hunting gear and rifles. Buck Savage lived by himself. He had no family, the only person he came in contact with is the game warden.

He was an ex-navy seal. That meant he had plenty of training to survive by himself in the woods. When he finished breakfast, he went outside. It was cold so he grabbed his old hunting coat on of the closet. As he slipped on his lace up water proof boots. Buck stepped outside and felt a chill in the air. He trekked through the snow until he made it to the shed. As he stepped in the little shed, he closed the door quickly behind him.

He made his way past the cutting table to the very back of the room. He shouldered his gun it was a 30-30. That was his favorite gun. His father gave it to him when he was 10 years old. Buck was running low on food. He was going to go on a hunt and try for a deer. He packed his hunting bag. In there he had put a flashlight, shells, 2days worth of food and water, he also packed a tent and matches to start a fire. He had walked outside yet again and went toward the back of his cabin. There was his dog Bella he went to the pen and had let her out of her cage. She was a very good hunting dog if not the best. Bella was 3 years old then, buck and personal trained her himself. The dog hunted almost anything birds, Rabbits deer, pretty much anything that had feathers or fur.
As he had left his cabin he had to walk down a very steep incline in which the cabin had been built. He was going hunting in a river valley he knew very well. It was one of Bucks favorite place. He had always done well there. For him being the only human for 15 miles in any direction of himself there were plenty of game for him to hunt.
He walked out into the woods. He had a deer stand on a tree about 5 miles from his cabin. As he walked through the snowy trail, he noticed a lot of game around. He even saw a rabbit and a wolf. When Buck made it to the stand, He climbed up and got his gun loaded. He pulled the clip out of his bag. He felt the cold metal of the shells on his hands and it gave him a chill. He knew he was going to kill one. Buck was an expert marksmen, he had killed many animals in his years. As buck got setup, he saw something out of the corner of his eye. He moved slowly and looked in the direction of the animal. A slow turn of the head revealed a 12 point buck about 30 yards away to his right. He slowly but steadily pulled up his rifle and put pressure against his shoulder with the butt of the gun. Buck breathed in, and with survival on his mind pulled the trigger. He had done this many times. He discovered it was indeed a kill shot.

He followed a blood trail until he finally found the deer about 15 yards away from where the deer originally had been. It was a big deer and took all his strength to pull it the 5 miles back to his cabin. He felt tired, dizzy, and worn out from dragging the heavy weight for so long. Buck Savage knew it was a successful hunt, it was a good start for the supplies he and the dog would need for the upcoming winter. He was sure they would need it.


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