The Great Storm | Teen Ink

The Great Storm

October 30, 2014
By Anonymous

It was a dark and stormy day, the clouds were rolling over vigorously. On the horizon I could see the sheets of rain pelting down like sheets of metal. The thunder rumbling my boat with every clap. The lightning lit the whole sky as it struck down inches from my boat. The waves were getting larger and larger as the wind began to pick up. My boat was rocking crazily throwing me from side to side. I had to finish out the day I could not give up. The bait was gone in all my traps and I had one string left to haul. I was the only boat left out everyone else had gone in. I was all alone no one to help, just me and my boat on the Atlantic. The storm was moving closer and closer every second. As I reached out to gaft the first bouy of my last string the rain began. It was heavier than any rain I’d ever seen before. It was as if a waterfall was pouring down over my head.

I reached over the side of my boat and pulled the trap aboard, it was as empty as last years’ birds nest. The bait was still holding pretty decent. I threw the trap overboard and let the rope feed out through my hand. I knew the water was way too rough to stay out any longer. I turned my bow to head home and put her in the bucket. I was going wipe open, catching air on every wave that crashed by my boat. I knew I had to race in, the waves were getting even bigger. I slacked off the throttle a little bit and my bow dove into a giant wave. I came out of the wave my boat nearly sunk, I gave her full throttle again to drain all the water out of my boat. I stayed on a direct path home and eventually made it to the wharf.

When I got into the wharf I look around and there was no workers there to buy my catch. I grabbed some crates and tied the lobsters off from my bow. I went to my mooring and my skiff was not there. I looked around but it was nowhere in sight. I couldn’t tie my boat to the wharf because it would smash against the wharf way too much and destroy my boat. I looked around for options and decided to throw my anchor down and keep it there over night. I left my boat moored by the anchor and swam ashore. As I was swimming a wave caught my off guard and took me under. My head hit a rock and knocked me unconscious. I came to drifted up on a beach. I looked around for any familiar sites and realized where I was. I had drifted all the way out to long sand beach. I made a camp and had to stay there all night. I made a fire to keep warm. When morning came around the storm was over but I still had no way home. I was stranded on the island until someone found me.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this piece is lobstering fishing. Since I lobster fish I figured a good topic would be something I know about and like to do.


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