Twisted Paths | Teen Ink

Twisted Paths

June 15, 2015
By KB321 BRONZE, Vancouver, Other
KB321 BRONZE, Vancouver, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Have a seat," Dr. Coulson said in a monotone voice, "I'll be with you in a minute."

Alex sat impatiently while he waited for the doctor to return, he looked around the room. There were all sorts of posters affixed to the walls. Just as he was about to take a closer look at a poster, the doctor entered.

"Can we hurry this up, I'm late for a meeting." Alex asserted.

"Oh sure, I'm only going to give you one injection. I know very well how busy,  businessmen like you are these days."

"One injection? But its just a minor cut."

"Trust me its necessary," assured the doctor. Dr. Coulson immediately inserted a shiny needle in Alex's upper arm.

The next thing Alex knew, he was tied to an old, mouldy wooden chair, sitting in a dark and dusty room, with an old, incandescent light bulb hanging from the ceiling. "Ah, looks like you have finally waken up Mr. Alex," a deep voice came from the background. Dr. Coulson emerged  from the shadows followed by two other bulky men.

"What do you want from me!" Alex exclaimed.

"I'm going to be frank with you Alex, I only want $50 000, and the sooner I get the money, the sooner you get to leave."

"You're not getting anything from me until you untie me."

"I thought you would be this stubborn. I think we need to show this businessman that we also mean business; don't you think boys?"

"Crack!" The wooden chair broke from its backrest, and Alex lunged at Dr. Coulson, and pinned him to the wall. "Now, let me be frank with you. You tell me where and why we are here, otherwise you're not going back in one piece." Alex warned.

The doctor immediately began to explain his situation, "I was at work, when I got a call that my daughter had been kidnapped, and I had 48 hours to gather and bring the money, otherwise I wasn't going to see her again. So I instantly began to think of a way to arrange for all that cash, when you stepped in. I knew that you would definitely have a big, fat bank balance so I sat you down while I prepared a dose of Diazepam, and injected it into you. Then, my men and I drove you about 48 km away from the city to this deserted cottage. That's all. Now please help me save my daughter, she is the only one I have left in this world."

"How can I believe you?" Alex asked.

"Do my eyes look like they would lie?" Dr. Coulson elucidated.

"Alright then," Alex let Dr. Coulson go, and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a black wallet, and flipped it open.

"Alexander Anderson, FBI Special Agent," it read. Dr. Coulson gasped.
"Don't worry, its what I'm here for." Alex said."Now just hand the phone you got the call from, and get in the car." The four men got in and drove to the FBI office. From there, they called and traced where the kidnappers had been sitting.

Then, Alex made a bone-chilling discovery, "Wait a second," Alex said, "these are the same people we were after." He turned to Dr. Coulson and said, "Mr. Coulson, these are not average kidnappers, they're terrorists. If we don't stop them soon, you're daughter could very well- lets just say we have to stop them at any cost; but with your help, we now know of their location."

Alex quickly alerted his boss, and within hours, an entire fleet of FBI Special Units were on their way. They stormed through the heavily guarded gates of terrorists' housing complex. They were able to capture the terrorists alive, and Dr. Coulson's daughter was safely returned to him.  Although this raid, and the events leading up to it, were kept a secret, but remain in the FBI logs to this date.

The author's comments:

I am always fascinated by how large security agencies operate. This short story is my speculation on how an operation at this extent would be carried out.


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