The Dream | Teen Ink

The Dream

February 15, 2017
By ShaneMcDowell BRONZE, Westborough, Massachusetts
ShaneMcDowell BRONZE, Westborough, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day in Scotland, a boy named Roderick ,Roddy, Toombs had a dream.

His dream was to become something that his family had never thought of before. That was to become a famous wrestler.
Wrestling was the only thing on Roderick’s mind. Everyday he came home, and there was a match on TV, he would watch the whole thing and no one interrupted him.
When it was time for Roddy to move out, he decided to go to wrestle camp and learn a few things. So he and his folks went over to the United States.
Roddy took a bus to Maine and started a few things, he rented an apartment for a month, and then he went to wrestle camp.
At wrestle camp, he was one of the youngest ones there because it was meant for people who are in their thirties, and Roddy was only 19.
When it was time to wrestle, Roddy was one of the first ones to do so, but remembering all of the fights he would watch. He would never lose. He was the only one who graduated with a perfect score.His parents were proud of him so they let him go into wrestling.
Roddy was getting eager to get the paperwork filled out for him to become a wrestler. As time went on, he was getting more and more excited.
  He was almost ready to go into the ring for his first round and it was against the one and only, Eddie Killbane Pryor.  Killbane was the heavyweight champion of his hometown of Steelport, and he wasn't ready for a rookie.
The first match was about to begin, and Roddy was ready and Kilbane was ready to defeat the rookie, but Roddy was one of the best students in wrestling camp, and Killbane never went to wrestling camp, and Roddy wasn't a rookie wasn’t a  rookie.

The match was just about over, Killbane couldn’t believe what was going on. For once he was losing. Killbane never lost a match. He was going crazy, for the thirty years, that’s how long Killbane was fighting, he was losing to a rookie.
There was 55 seconds left in the match and Killbane was being humiliated, because, Piper made a deal with Killbane, the deal was if that Piper won, he would get Killbane’s mask and Killbane loves his mask and he wouldn’t let anyone touch his mask.

The final fifteen seconds was coming close, and Killbane was almost done for, Killbane was going to be humiliated. Five seconds left in the match and Killbane is not doing good, Piper is killing it. And Piper wins the Championship belt, but does not take the belt, Piper thinks that belt is meaningless, but he does take Killbane's mask, and gives the belt to Killbane.

  Piper can see the Crowd and hear them Cheering his name. All Kilbane can see is his own face in the mirror maskless. Piper will be coming back one day to see if Killbane got a new mask. Piper will always take something that his opponent loves more than anything else. The next fight Piper was going against Hulk Hogan and Piper saw the stadium and could smell the meat in the air and the fresh cooked steak from the steak house across street. Once done in Steelport Piper, moved on to going to other places like Texas and Tennessee and the main state of wrestling of California. Once in LA Piper sprinted to the closeted hotel and checked in. At the hotel Piper could see the Food that he would be able to eat and the hotel sweet that he was staying in. He was in his sweet and he wanted to go on a tour of the town, because he was not familiar with the area. Roddy was going to see all of the beautiful sights of Los Angeles and smell of the sea and the sand in the air. Once the tour was finished Piper was ready for a day at the beach. Roddy sprinted to the beach and then saw a fight and said “I got winner”. One guy goes down and Piper gets ready. The fight is one.

The author's comments:

This was my Frist pice of writting and I tihnk That I have done a good job


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