"ACTION!" | Teen Ink


December 20, 2017
By Papermate BRONZE, Caen, Other
Papermate BRONZE, Caen, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Lights! Camera! ACTION!” Mike exclaimed, rising from his director's chair. He was busy filming a chase scene in Los Angeles for his new movie.
The lead actor jumped into a taxicab and put his foot on the accelerator. A screech of tyres and swear words followed. Police were on him, their sirens warning the whole city. Michael Portillo loved it when shooting scenes was as easy as the one he was filming today.
“The driver's drunk! Get him!” The actors playing the cops were shouting.
Ahead of them was a junction near the hospital. The light was red.
“And CUT!”

The author's comments:

I wrote this short story for a flash fiction competition I was taking part in with other European schools. I like the movie industry, so thought it would be fun to write something about it.


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