The Journey of Trey the Pufferfish | Teen Ink

The Journey of Trey the Pufferfish

May 9, 2018
By agducote BRONZE, River Ridge, Louisiana
agducote BRONZE, River Ridge, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

  Once upon a time, there was a pufferfish named Trey. Trey was a baby pufferfish, and lived in the Great Barrier Reef. He was surrounded by many underwater ecosystems, beautiful colors, colorful plants, and a variety of different fish. Trey loved his home, but he had a problem, he was obsessed with humans! He loved going up to the giants and playing with them. Once he was actually caught by a large group of humans! Luckily, they released Trey back into the reef, but he was still curious. Trey wanted to get closer to the humans, and wanted to learn more about the giant creatures.

  On a bright sunny day, Trey went for a swim near the shore. He loved getting to see all of the baby giants play in the soft sand, and watch the big giants lay under the sun and act dead. Trey always wondered why they sat under the sun, does it ever get to hot and burn them? To him, it seemed as if it would hurt a lot to be directly in the sun. Trey finally went back to his home in the Great Barrier Reef, and watched all of the other fish go on with their busy lives. Trey could not go on, for he could not stop thinking about the humans and their daily lives. All of a sudden, Trey felt a strong current in the reef, one he had never felt before. He could not see for all of the bubbles dancing around him, and he wondered, what is all of this happening for? Before he knew it, Trey was surrounded by a black bag, and could not longer see the beautiful colors and busy life of his home.
Sploosh! Trey fell into what it seemed to be another part of the ocean. He still had not adjusted to the light because he had been in the black bag for so long, which had no light. Trey decided to swim forward but he hit something that seemed as if it was not even there. He tried another way and he hit the strange object again. Trey began to panic and started swimming in all directions he could, but he was going nowhere. He had finally adjusted to the light, and saw that there were many other fish all around him, and trapped with the same objects on all sides keeping them in a small area. He realized that he was in a pet shop. He had heard of it before, but never knew what one had looked like. Trey was interested in the Pet Shop, but could not continue to learn about his interest because of his lack of care. Trey died three days later, and his dreams of learning more about the giants world were crushed. Poor Trey, he never saw it coming.

The author's comments:

I was inspired when I went to the pet store to get goldfish, and saw a pufferfish named Trey. I was then inspired to write an entire story about the awesome beast.

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on Feb. 10 2024 at 6:58 pm
On_A_Journey SILVER, Sparks, Nevada
7 articles 3 photos 126 comments

Favorite Quote:
Not all those who wander are lost- J.R.R Tolkien

Aw, so sad 😢