A Late Night Snack | Teen Ink

A Late Night Snack

April 13, 2019
By eugenekim BRONZE, Cerritos, California
eugenekim BRONZE, Cerritos, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was 3:00 in the morning. The police station didn’t usually get many calls at an hour like this, but the calls they did receive were typically the occasional robbery at a nearby candy store.

“9-1-1. What’s your emergency?”

“Hello. I need help as soon as possible,” a voice whispered, “there is a killer goldfish on the loose and is hurting all my friends. Sorry I’m whispering. I can’t get caught.” Even though it was a very strange situation, the officer was still on the job and needed to take it seriously and asked the him for his address.

“Address?” the voice asked himself. “I don’t know.” The officer sighed and asked to describe the area around the location. “There is a lot of carpet around me and a big bed.” he responded, “The goldfish will kill me soon if you don’t come. Please, we need your help officer.”

The officer didn’t know how to help him. The officer didn’t know what to do with the situation. “Sir, I need-” He was interrupted with a silence on both ends. The sound of shuffling against a carpet took over.

The sound of a woman broke the silence. “James!” A woman’s voice called from a distance. Footsteps started coming towards him. The door opened. “Why are you eating snacks and playing this late? I told you that you have school tomorrow and you need to sleep early.”

            “Sorry mom.” James let out a big sigh. He got up, dropped his action figures and goldfish crackers, and went back to bed.

The author's comments:

My name is Eugene K. I am a new writer and I have no previous publications or awards. I am working towards gettin gmy work published. I am from Cerritos High School and I am excited to share my work. I was very happy to have found the Teen Ink because I haven't found many magazines and journals that I really connected with. "A Late Night Snack" is a flash fiction that is about a police getting called in over a killer goldfish. 

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