Girlhood, Godhood | Teen Ink

Girlhood, Godhood

February 21, 2023
By VictoriaIsabelB BRONZE, Calexico, California
VictoriaIsabelB BRONZE, Calexico, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is something so holy when it comes to girlhood, god-like almost. We feel everything and nothing at the same time. I can forgive you like a priest might forgive a sinner and you will continue to do wrong by me, and still, I am gullible. I allow you to feed off of me like one might feed off the eucharist. I allow you to tell me your problems and I will listen, I will be here for you always. No matter how many times you sin and go against me I will accept your apologies. Maybe this is something that was ingrained in me, I was made to forgive and forget because you were just a person, and what would I know? We all make mistakes, don’t we?  We all go through different stages of life. Yet No matter which stage of life you were on, you always made sure to ruin mine. But I cannot blame you for that foolish mistake, since it is me who keeps letting you in.


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