the vanished | Teen Ink

the vanished

November 29, 2011
By StarzH.1997 BRONZE, Morristown, New Jersey
StarzH.1997 BRONZE, Morristown, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The tired doors had seemed to be moving. As they opened there was this gleaming force that appeared to be coming at me with a skull carved on it. I wasn’t sure what it was and I began to run I heard a long groan and intense footsteps. As I kept running I tried to look back as I heard silence. I didn’t want to slow down
I stopped and think to myself “What just happened”, but all of a sudden, all silence broke loose there was a long low groan but I couldn’t see anyone. If I had to estimate how far away the sound was it would be about three to four feet away I kept running and nothing but fear on my mind.
I looked to my right and something grabbed my attention. even thought it was not safe to go and take a look , so I proceeded, something peeked out and grabbed me by the neck and proceeded to choke me and drag me outside, I kicked and screamed hoping this thing would have a little mercy on me. As he had dragged me to this empty lot about three feet away from the place he had abducted me , I closed my eyes thinking of the good things in my life. I saw my life flash before my eyes in a hot second and then everything went blank. I saw my body as I hovered over it not sure what happened and then my cold pale body hit the floor, as I looked my killer in his face. I will never forget what happened as I hunt him in his sleep.

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