The best Easter | Teen Ink

The best Easter

May 16, 2013
By Anonymous

4/23 3:53 pm
Dear Richard,
My cousin Janet got her first digital camera for her birthday. Janet said this to me do you believe it? “Look at my new camera aren’t you so jealous, I know you are! Arianna is jealous of my amazing new digital camera.” I’m so jealous she always gets what she wants. My family says film cameras take amazing pictures, but I disagree. They always have that hideous yellow color to them!! I really want a digital camera for my birthday!!!! I don’t even care if that sounds greedy.
4/23 7:29pm
Dear Richard,

I went to the park to play with my friends and they all had digital cameras. They didn’t even want to play they just wanted to take pictures of everything (flowers, slides, swings, leaves.) I am not going back tomorrow!!! I take that back Janet said I could borrow her camera at my birthday!!! I’m super excited!!!
4/24 7:09am
Dear Richard,

Guess what!! It’s my birthday today!! I wonder if I will get a camera. I hope I do, I hope I do!! I’m super excited to use Janet’s camera!!


4/24 8:35pm
Dear Richard,

I didn’t get a digital camera!! I’m so sad, my cousin didn’t let me use her camera but she sure used it!! She took a picture of everything (the cake, the guests, my friends, me, me, and me.) she rubbed her camera in my face!! Who would do that to their own cousin? I went to school early today and all of my friends rubbed it in my face. I’m so mad! I won’t write again for a while Easter break stars tomorrow!!


4/25 6:34
Dear Richard,

Today is Thursday, the Thursday before Easter. You know why I named you Richard? Well because Richard was the first guy friend I ever had. Aren’t I lucky? So I went to the park again and my friend gave me another picture. It’s a picture of a bird. It’s so pretty I just wish I could take picture like that. My mom said maybe next year but I doubt I will. I will be disappointed if I never get a digital camera! What happens if they go out of style before I ever get one!

4/27 7:12
Dear Richard,
Tomorrows Easter Yay! I’m super excited I wonder where my Easter basket will be. I hope it’s not in the sink like last year! Maybe it will be in closet. Mom always buys lots of candy. My favorite is chocolate bunnies by far. Well bye for now.
4/28 9:25
Dear Richard,

Today is Easter! I found my Easter basket. It was in the bathtub. I got 5 chocolate Easter bunnies. I also got a DIGITAL CAMERA I’m so excited I can barely wait to take pictures!


12/19 10pm
Dear Richard,

I got my Christmas pictures posted in a magazine and all of my pictures placed in the state fair! I know I haven’t written in a while, I apologize. I have been so busy from taking pictures. Oh by the way, Janet’s is so jealous of me now. None of her pictures even placed in the state fair.


12/25 12pm
Dear Richard,
I can no longer write anymore, you have been my longtime friend! I will miss you dearly! I’m now going into professional photography and have no spare time. Thank you for helping me through this. Merry Christmas!!

Love Always,


The author's comments:
It's a peice of fiction about a girl who gets a digital camera. It's writen as a dairy

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