Happy | Teen Ink


June 18, 2014
By TanayaSid BRONZE, Dhaka, Other
TanayaSid BRONZE, Dhaka, Other
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Hey you sad people. Here you go. I'll give you happiness. Yes yes i sell happiness. You are ready to give me money? You want to know the cost? It is only £00.00 . Yes you are right I sell happiness free of cost.
What? You want to know why? No it is secret. You really want to know?
Okay I'll tell you. When I sell happiness people becomes happy which makes me happy. You are ready pay money to buy happiness but I get happiness by spreading happiness.
Just give a smile to the road side begger. See the happiness in her eyes because of your sweet attention. It'll make you happy.
Buy a toy for the little baby outside the toy-store who cant afford to buy them and see the happiness you'll be happy. Buy some medicines for the old lady who is sad for her sick son. And look at her happiness.
Give some food to the girl who comes to your home everyday asking for money. Just watch her get happy.
Yes you'll feel happy when you'll realise that the people arround you who are happy, are happy only because of you.
Close your eyes and imagine the world full of happiness. Then you'll never feel sad.

The author's comments:
I got inspired to write this from my school teacher Farhana miss after her class discussion about Hapiness.

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