Flaming Balls | Teen Ink

Flaming Balls

December 8, 2014
By Cesar Ramirez BRONZE, Stockton, California
Cesar Ramirez BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Flaming Balls




  One cold windy day in Burley, California there was a young bachelor by the name of Chad. Chad lived in a quiet neighborhood just south of Wren drive; Chad lived with two of his most beloved childhood friends, Abby and Cody. Abby was a female Boston Terrier, and Cody was a male Boston Terrier. Now, on this cold windy day Abby was going into labor, Chad had set up a blanket for Abby and Cody in the back shed where she was expected to have the puppies. Day turn to night and Abby would soon have her puppies, Chad was in the shed with Cody and Abby waiting for her to give birth. Chad then looked over at Cody that had a fearful face he said to him, “It’ll be okay bud she’s a strong dog,” Chad then rubbed Cody’s  head and went inside so that nature can run its course. The next morning Chad had woken up and went to go check on Abby and Cody, and what he saw was a family of four: Abby, Cody, and two new male puppies.
As time went on the two puppies’ names became Thor and Loki. Abby was finally a mother, Cody finally a father, as for Chad he was a grandfather now. The two puppies were best of friends, they nearly did everything together. They would play with each other, escape the yard and go on adventures together, they even shared the same dog house on the other side of the yard separated from their parents.
However, that all changed one summer weekend when Chad was going on a business trip to Los Angles for the weekend. Oh poor chad was so scared, he had never left his dogs alone for more than a day. Before Chad had left, he went to his backyard where all the dogs greeted him with their tongues flopping in the wind as they ran towards him. He knelt down to pet and kiss them all, he said, “Okay guys I’m going to be leaving in the morning I left a weekends worth of food in the shed so you guys can eat, okay I’ll see you all in three days.” Chad had no clue if his dogs could understand what he was saying, but he always felt as if they did, and to none of his knowledge they did.
As soon as chad had went inside, Loki and Thor turned to their mom and said, “Mom why is grandpa Chad leaving us for the weekend?” with a tear forming in both their eyes.
“I don’t know sons, but I have trusted that man all my life and he has never let me down, so you should trust him to,” Abby said.
“Your mother’s right boys now go get some sleep,” Cody said.
“Okay dad,” the puppies had said sadly.
The next morning all the dogs had awaken to an astonishing sight, on the grass there lay four green tennis balls. Thor was the first one to go for one, running towards it he said “oh I know what these are they are called ‘balls’ I’ve seen them on the TV when grandpa Chad puts on Animal Planet.” Not amused Loki and his mother head to water bowls; while, Cody and Thor stay behind and play with their newly acquired toys. The day goes on and Loki walks over to Thor where he is laying on the red mulch chewing on his ball. Loki asks, “Hey Thor want to go out and explore Mrs. Epson’s yard I heard she took her cat to the vet.” Not interested Thor replies,
“Nah, I’m good I think I’ll stay here with my ball.” In shock, taken that Thor has never refused an opportunity to escape the lawn, Loki replies,
“Oh, okay… umm yea have fun with that.”
“Mm hum,” replies Thor.
On the other side of the yard Abby says to Cody, “Hey hon, I hide some doggie treats under the palm tree from last Wednesday, want to go eat them with me? The boys won’t have to know.”
    “Oh yea sure, let’s go, let me just grab my ball real quick,” Cody replies. They then make their way to the palm trees where Abby starts to dig. “Aren’t you going to help me?” asks Abby. Not paying attention to what Abby was saying, Cody doesn’t reply
“Hello, I’m talking to you,” Abby says
“Oh, wait what? What’d you say?”
“Really Cody, Really?”
“What’d I do, what about the doggie treats?” Cody says as Abby walks away.
The next morning Abby and Loki wake up, and see that neither Loki nor Cody have moved from where they were chewing their balls at. At that moment both Loki and Abby knew that those balls were going to be a problem. “What are we going to do mom? Those balls are taken them away from us,” Loki says.
“First things first son we need to get rid of the left over two balls that your father and brother aren’t chewing on,”
“Okay, but what are we going to do with them where do we put them?”
  “Just bring both of them to me Loki I’ll take care of them.”
“Okay mom I’ll go get them.” Loki then ran off to go grab the other two balls, he brought them to his mother. “Good work Loki, now we wait till night and we’ll get the two other balls,”
Night has fallen and Abby goes to wake up her son Loki, in her paw she has both of the balls her husband’s and her son’s.
“Come on Loki, let’s go get rid of these life ruining things.” Loki then slowly gets up and follows his mother. She takes him to the shed where she tells him to grab the gasoline, afraid to disobey his mother he does as he is told. They then proceed to the far back of the yard where Chad use to have a swing set: however he had taken it out a few years ago, now it’s just a sandbox.  Loki, a little frighten by his mother right now ask, “Umm, what are you going to do with the balls mom?”
“I’m going to get rid of them, the only way you get rid of life ruining things, you burn them to ashes.” Convinced his mother has gone crazy Loki asks no more questions, they then begin to dig a hole big enough to contain all four balls. About twenty minutes into digging they have finished, Abby puts all the balls in the hole as Loki pours gas over all of them. Abby then strikes a match across the floor and throws it in the hole. Flames go up in the air, and Loki is taken away by the sight.
  The next morning Cody and Thor wake up in a panic, Abby asks what’s wrong. They reply and say that they can’t find their balls. Loki then says to them with great sadness, “I saw Mrs. Epson’s cat last night take them, but I was too scared to do anything about it, I’m sorry.”
“Oh, it’s okay it’s not your fault,” Cody says.
“Yea bro, it’s okay,” says Thor.
The family then waits the rest of the day together waiting for their owner Chad to return from his business trip.

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