"A Feathery Situation" | Teen Ink

"A Feathery Situation"

May 29, 2015
By rainedrops BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
rainedrops BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Come on, Peacock! We’re going to be late! Stop combing your feathers!” Duckling exclaimed.
“I must look my very best, Duckling. It is the biggest gathering of the year.” Peacock noted to Duckling. Peacock cared a lot about her colorful feathers that wrap around her, and about what others thought of her.
As the clock struck four, Peacock and Duckling rushed to lion’s den. They were greeted by a masculine lion with a red colored bandana around his neck. The orange and yellow fall leaves circulate the perimeter. In a corner stood Doe, Cougar, and Cub-the most popular animals of all the group. They were quite nice, but often rude, shouting at other animals for simply being, themselves. Right as Dan the DJ spun a wild beat, Peacock, being as brave and daring as she is, went up to Cougar, Cub, and Doe, while Duckling followed behind her.
“What are you doing, Peacock!” Duckling squeaked. “Are you out of your feathers?”
“I want to be popular! Like them.” Peacock replied dreamily, pointing at the popular posse. She ruffled her feathers and walked towards them as Duckling sighed with frustration.
As Peacock approached the group, they turned around and started giggling.
“Here comes the walking clown.” Cougar whispered amongst her peers.
“Hi!” Peacock said with her I-want-to-be-your-friend-and-be-popular-too voice, “I’m Peacock.”
“Whatever. I’m Doe and this is Cougar and Cub. Clearly, you’re new here.” Doe stated with much of an angry annoying attitude towards the bird.
The clique leader, Cougar, walked around Peacock, scrutinizing her feathers and pointing out her flaws.
“What a ridiculous name.” Cub told Doe and Cougar as they prowled and huddled together.
“Do you see those redonkulous feathers of hers?” Cougar enjoyed making fun of Peacock.
“I know right! Those are so last season.” Doe chimed in. In the distance, Peacock overheard the conversation and walked towards Duckling with a frown on her face.
“What’s the matter?” asked Duckling with her gentle voice, “What did they do to you?”
“They said they hated my feathers and my name. You were right Duckling. You always are.” Peacock said with tears swelling up in her eyes. She whimpered in silence and could not fathom why they were so rude to her. Lion walked toward Peacock and asked what was wrong.
“Cougar, Cub, and Doe were being very rude to Peacock,” Duckling told him, pointing with her tail. The light autumn breeze dried Peacock’s tears as Lion roamed towards the posse and spoke to them.
“It is rude to make fun of others. If you have nothing nice to say, do not say it all. Would you like that?” he lectured. Cougar, Cub, and Doe came over and apologized when they saw how much they had hurt Peacock. The three animals learned their lesson and treated others kindly from that moment on.    


Moral: Treat other the way you want to be treated.

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