Alexis is Atlutseous | Teen Ink

Alexis is Atlutseous

January 15, 2009
By Anonymous

So, you think you can be athlutseous? Don’t waste my time. I’m the only athlutseous person out there. And the only one ever born. So get over it. You’re just not it.

To be athlutseous you have to be athletic. I am doing almost 5 hours of physical activity a day. Are you? Didn’t think so. Do you love sports as much as I do? Didn’t think so. Therefore I am way more athlutseous than you will ever be.

Are you outspoken? I am. That’s part of being athlutseous. Do say whatever you’re thinking at the moment? I do. It’s a main key of being athlutseous. One day in church Amy Miller was asked to pray and she said sure in a really sharp tone and I thought it was funny. So after the prayer was over I said sure really loud and the whole church heard me.

And the last part of being athlutseous is being spontaneous. I know how to be myself. Do you? Maybe you do but you’re still not athlutseous. Ask me a question and I will tell you the truth whether you like it or not. I am wanting to do new things.

If you are looking for the perfect athlutseous person then look no farther, you found me!

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