He Saw . . . | Teen Ink

He Saw . . .

November 1, 2018
By Anonymous

he saw her staring out the window and spacing out in the cafe. He saw her friend who sat next to her nudge her and tell her a joke. He saw her laugh and cover her mouth. He saw her bright, beautiful brown eyes twinkle with happiness. He saw her whisper something back as her cheeks turned red from laughing so hard. He saw her turn back to her work as she lifted her mug and got up from her seat. He saw her walk towards him as his heart started to beat faster. He saw her ask the cashier for a refill. He saw her wait patiently and quietly thank them as she was handed her drink. He saw her walk by his seat. And then he finally saw her turn back around to face him as she gently smiled at him.

The author's comments:

This writing is a short scene (set piece) about a boy's first impression on a girl he saw in a cafe. The writing shows what he saw and how he felt about her just from the few short minutes he was looking at her. 


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