Beautiful Days | Teen Ink

Beautiful Days

September 30, 2009
By books4life19 BRONZE, Glenwood Landing, New York
books4life19 BRONZE, Glenwood Landing, New York
2 articles 1 photo 1 comment

"Hmm" Carlee sighed sleepliy as she got up out of bed. She opened the blinds and"whoaa" the sun was actually blinding.She slowly walked out of her room and into her kitchen.The aroma of chocolate chip banana pancakes. Could this day possible get better? Carlee asked herself.But, something was strange, why was it so quiet ? Where was her mother scrubbing dishes or clanging pots. Where was her father turning pages of the newspaper and sipping coffee? And where was her oh so annoying brother, Dyl? Weird? Carlee thought to herself. Then she noticed the post it note on fridge. In her mom's small curvy script writing it said, " Carlee, after you eat , meet us at Aunt Cheryl's". Oh no! Oh no ! Oh no!Carlee started to say louder. Her Aunt Cheryl wasn't feeling well lately , and she was getting old , what if.....

Carlee scoffed down her breakfast and threw on her clothes. Her purple hoodie was loose and baggy, it hung all the was down to her knees. This would defintly slow her down.Ohh well ! She sprinted for her bike and started off to Aunt Cheryl's.

How could such bad news happen on such a beautiful day? Carlee though as she raced to her Aunt's house. When she got to the white picket fence she flung it open. She soon reached the door handle it was cold, and her hands were so sweaty , she just couldn't open it . Finally it budged, and when she opened the door she saw ....

SILENCE, Everyone was looking at her with big smiles on their faces..

Carlee didn't know what was going on ....

It was ...
Oh my .....
Tears started to well up in Carlee's eyes .....

Kris? Carlee whispered....

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This article has 2 comments.

on Nov. 6 2022 at 11:26 pm
RustedTelephone BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
3 articles 3 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
People throw rocks at things that shine."

This is really good! In the future, I would try editing it, lol, but as far as the story goes, it is really good, and ends of a cliff hanger!

on Dec. 23 2010 at 12:24 pm
DreamALittleDreamOfMe GOLD, Sea Cliff, New York
19 articles 11 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
"HA!!!! wait, i don't get it...."

Samantha Darling!