A Walk on the Beach | Teen Ink

A Walk on the Beach

October 20, 2010
By Cheerleader BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Cheerleader BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live life to the fullest!!

One bright, sunny day a 15 year old girl named, Molly woke up in her sea side beach house in Huntington, California. Molly went downstairs, had some breakfast, got dressed and sat down on the ledge of her balcony. She wondered, “What shall I do on this lovely day?” One look out her balcony gave her the wonderful idea to take a well earned walk on the beautiful beach.

Molly packed, water, a snack, and a towel, she put all of that in a small bag. She got on her bike and rode to the beach, then locked her bike up at the designated rack. Slowly she walked towards the rolling waves of the ocean. The water would come and touch her feet every time the waves crashed. As she walked along the crowded beach, Molly saw many wondrous things. She saw a school of dolphins jumping, diving, and swimming happily in the ocean. Then suddenly Molly heard a big splash, it was a massive Blue whale leaping out of the crystal blue water.

The sound of seagulls and ocean waves filled her ears with delight. Molly walked and walked until she got tired enough to have to sit down on her towel. She drank some water, ate her snack then laid down to stare at the fluffy white clouds. Not soon after she laid down, Molly was sound asleep. A very sweet dream came into her head as she slept. It was about a world where everything was perfect as could be. As she slept she had a wide grin on her face and looked tremendously peaceful.

After a few hours, she awakened and saw the time, she packed her stuff and stared sprinting home. As she ran home she thought about her dream and suddenly remembered that she must write about it in her dream journal. She was getting closer and soon she was home. Molly ran straight into the house, up the stairs and into her room. She grabbed her journal and a pen and stared writing.

When she was done writing about her dream she read over it and thought, “I wasn’t actually that happy even when everything was perfect.” Molly realized that she had everything she ever wanted right at home, in the real world. She didn’t need a dream or a wish for everything to be perfect, in order to be satisfied. Molly spent the rest of her days living happily ever after!

The author's comments:
I hope that people will take in consider the moral or what Molly realizes in the story and apply it to their life.

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