Leap to Freedom | Teen Ink

Leap to Freedom

January 19, 2011
By xerikaaa BRONZE, East Quogue, New York
xerikaaa BRONZE, East Quogue, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As he stood on the ledge, all Peter could think was, “Am I really about to do this?” His palms were sweating and his heart was racing faster than a racehorse. He slowly inched his way closer and closer to the edge, fearing what was to become of him. Peter’s eyes darted about searching for some reassurance, something to convince him not to jump but he had already made up his mind. Behind him, over a dozen people were shouting, “Peter don’t do it, please don’t jump”. He couldn’t hear them. Pablo had already channeled them out.

Time seemed to be flying right past him but only a measly few seconds had gone by. Peter clutched the railing with one hand and his cross, a gift from his mother, in the other hand. He couldn’t help but think of his family and friends. Except, the thought of himself always rushed back into his mind.
As he stood on the ledge, all Peter could think was, “Am I really about to do this?” And so he leaped. Dropping through the air faster than he ever imagined. Everyone stood in shock and not a single peep came out of his or her mouth. This was really it, every second closer to floating back to Earth. As he dove into the water, a sigh of relief flowed through his body. Peter emerged from the water and could see all his friends and even some passersby smiling and waving from the tall bridge high above. Now they know, Peter would not stand down from a dare.

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