Ready for a Spin? | Teen Ink

Ready for a Spin?

May 29, 2011
By fashiondisaster BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
fashiondisaster BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every teenager just can’t wait to turn sixteen, can’t wait for freedom. They want to go for a spin in their spanking new cars and show the world that, yeah, they really are THAT awesome. But what really surprises me is the extreme lack of experience drivers need to take to the road. I, for example, just got my permit this afternoon. I can legally go for a ride, never once having step foot in the driver’s seat. Yeah, that’s right, I can drive as long as someone over 21, with a driver’s license is in the car with me. Seriously, isn’t that just an accident waiting to happen? How can that possibly be safe for other drivers? All I can say is beware, the 27th is the first day I’m driving a car, and let’s just say, something is about to go wrong. Just a heads up, no need to panic. (Actually, this is a perfectly good reason to panic.) Just because you know the rules and what a stop sign is doesn’t mean you know how to drive. Sure, how difficult can it be? You put your feet on the pedals and hands on the steering wheel, the rest is just like a videogame. Except for the one minor problem that it is winter and the roads are covered with ice. What could possibly go wrong? My point is, how is this legal? I would be worried knowing that teens who just a got a permit, sat in the driver’s seat for the first time ever, are let loose onto the streets, unprepared to hit any innocent bystander. What is there not to worry about? Sure, I want to be able to drive, but I don’t want to kill somebody either! I think I’m ready to pull out the ol minivan and take it for a test drive. Well, maybe not.


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