Perfect Plan Gone Perfectly Wrong | Teen Ink

Perfect Plan Gone Perfectly Wrong

April 10, 2012
By kmonmed BRONZE, Danbury, Connecticut
kmonmed BRONZE, Danbury, Connecticut
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Oh just shut up and do it."


Lilly La Chatte is waiting in her throne room underneath London for her enemy, the leader of the LPCA. The LPCA sent their leader to form a treaty with the leader of the London Society for the Unwanted, the leader of the LSU being Lilly La Chatte. Lilly has a plan to trap the Leader of the LPCA, but her ever faithful servant, Chris, is really a high ranking member of the LPCA, and strives to foil her plan. Lilly is totally ignorant of this.

Lilly’s Monologue:

I can hear the footsteps of my enemy echoing down the long, dark, and disgusting tunnel that leads toward this cavern. I can feel the embrace of my throne and the round knob of the lever connecting to the net’s drop strings. Once he enters the room, I shall drop the net, and will be able to hold him hostage for the next step of my plan. The LPCA leader won’t even know what hit him.

Just imagining the praise I will get from my underlings for achieving the capture of the LPCA leader sends a shiver down my spine. Imagine me, the leader of the LSU being the downfall of the LPCA.
Ha! The LPCA really thinks I want to form a treaty with them? What goodie goodies! They must have treaties with everyone. I wonder if they can even fight at all… Let alone devise a plan good enough to fool me!

Ah, here is my ever-faithful Chris with my dinner. I have never been so glad to be able to trust at least one person before. Chris is the only one I can truly trust, and he knows every thing about my plans and I.

Some of the other servants have said that he has been acting suspicious lately, what with all the late night trips into the medicine cabinet. Not only that, but some of my highly effective sleeping pills have vanished. Could Chris be behind it? I look over at him, but his expression is so sweet that I can’t think of any big reasons to suspect him. But then… who stole my medicine? Oh well.

Chris’ Monologue:

Look at her. Drinking her tea like she’s the queen of all knowing and happening. She makes me sick with all her cockiness, although, today I get to be the smug one because Lilly doesn’t know that I slipped a little bit of sleeping powder from the pills in the medicine cabinet into her food and beverage. Lilly should be out cold by the time the LPCA leader gets here.

There she goes! Swaying, falling… yes! She’s out cold. Just in time too. The LPCA leader walks in and smiles at me. He must have known I would save him from Lilly, and that he would be safe without any guards because he was strong enough to defeat over a hundred well trained warriors just by himself.

I drag Lilly’s unconscious body into a closet and lack the door shut, trapping her in there. A pang of guilt shoots through me, but I numb it by thinking of all the horrible things she has done to innocent people. The wiping, the decapitation, the torture, the starvation, every thing! Why should I even feel the slightest pang of guilt? I did what was needed and what was right. No matter how much I came to care for her is no excuse for feeling guilty… right?

I turn back to the LPCA leader and say, “Well, Mr. Mouse (pronounced moo-say), what do we do with Miss La Chatte?” He shrugs and I glare at him. “Good thinking, Einstein. We should get out of here for a start.”

As I pass him to go out the door, he grabs my arm and thrusts a communicator into my hand. “Welcome back, your highness.” He smiles and starts down the long tunnel along side me, closing the door behind us.


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