Friend | Teen Ink


May 18, 2012
By GleeLover1234 BRONZE, Alton, New Hampshire
GleeLover1234 BRONZE, Alton, New Hampshire
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Imma Gleek!

I have tons of hope, hope that I will get good grades, hope that I make good money, hope that one day I will get some good friends. But now I’m 45 years old and live in New York, I don’t have any friends but my parents, and certainly don’t have any hope. All I do for a living is work at a candle factory; I know right a candle factory. I’m so lonely living here by myself; I’ve always wanted a pet bird to keep me company but never got one. Pretty sad right, I’m a 45 year old who’s only friends are my parents. My life is not going how I planned with all that hope stuff. So much for making good money, I can’t even afford a bag of marshmallows, sad right. I keep asking my boss for a raise but he’s heartless so I got denied. Maybe if I had more heart or at least a friend my life would go better. A friend that I could take a picture with, with my old passed down camera my mom gave me. Then I could have proof, proof that I had a friend. But I don’t have any friends, the way I had treated people was horrible, I totally regret it. But after years and years went by with out having anyone to talk to, I decided to find a friend. No matter how big or small it wouldn’t matter, just someone to listen. I would search in every corner of every alley of this endless city until I find them. So I started my mission, I said hi to everyone I walk by on the street. Just waiting until someone says hi back. The looks that I got, people must think that I’m crazy. But at the moment that I was going to go crying right back to my parents’ house something happened. Someone had smiled and said hi back. This was impossible. I stopped; my coffee that my mom handed made me splattered on the ground. I turned around and ran. “Wait, wait, what’s your name!” The person turned around. He was short and had strange glasses on, that’s when I promised that I wouldn’t judge him. “Hi my name is Phil.” his voice was squeaky but I didn’t care. “I was wondering if you would like to be my friend?” I was scared about what he was going to say next. “ Sure! I have always wanted a friend but never have had one except for my parents!” he voice was so loud people started to stare. “ I think we have a lot in common.”

The End

The author's comments:
I thought what's a true friend? Writing this story helped me realized what a true friend is and how important they are.


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