Perseverance | Teen Ink


November 29, 2012
By maya6396 BRONZE, Glendale, California
maya6396 BRONZE, Glendale, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ahhhhh! The world is going to end, 2012 blah blah blah! Ha, yah right! Remember back in the day when everyone was freaking out about that? Well, it is now the year 2032 and we are in the month of Gennits. Oh by the way, many things have changed since 2015; new technology, new months (such as Gennits) new alphabet, etc. Anyways, as I was saying, the year 2012 came to mind when I opened a card dating back to 2015, “Thank you very much for your help, from Eva Samler.” I was confused at first and had to ponder for a while in who this ‘Eva Samler’ was. Then, it hit me! She was a special acquaintance back in my high school days in the year 2012. She never spoke but a word and weird enough the wind was her only friend. But this I do tell that what a story she had!

Eva and I never really were friends nor enemies. I simply didn’t like her. She was too smart for me. She and this guy were always working on new inventions, amazing inventions which actually worked. In reality, I knew I envied them because I could never do such a thing. But I just didn’t want to admit it. So how was it that we became acquaintances? Well it all started in 5th period engineering class and let’s just say I was failing and I desperately needed help.

“Now class, today you will be assigned a partner for a project. This I guarantee will raise your grade one full letter. Are you listening kids?” Did you see that! I can swear Mr. Fill was looking straight at me when he said that! Though I wasn’t too thrilled with the idea I was hoping to at least get a smart partner. This, will at least benefit in my case. When assigned partners, I got stuck with Eva. Yeah she’s smart and all but I don’t know. Point is, she was my partner and I knew she could build stuff and I couldn’t.

The relationship between us wasn’t quite as great besides the times me and my friends would laugh at her just because she wasn’t normal. So as you can tell already, it was definitely going to be awkward. Our assignment was pretty general: make something that has never been made before which can be later used for human assistance. This was going to be hard due to that now in the world everything was basically invented (unless you wanted to make rubber ducks that swim in lava which is completely useless). We had exactly a month to finish this project. As class ended, I decided to walk up to Eva and figure out what were we going to do. But before I even got the chance to speak, she was already throwing a paper right at me which seemed like the plans for the project. I got the paper and she left. Not a single word was said. Me of course, I got mad and thought, who she thinks she is! Anyways it’s what ever, and I left with my friends.

Two weeks into the project I was surprised. We were close to finishing the project and amazingly enough still not one word had been said. She simply gave me instructions on paper and I followed. I liked this; she goes her way, I go my way. At the end when it was time to turn it in, I was pretty happy. We got the highest score in the class and my grade dramatically went up! After that, everything continued as it was. Still not one word was exchanged, not even a thank you.

Ever since the project, I have to admit, I noticed her even more. Then, all of a sudden she was gone. For a whole week she had left and when she came back, I had a feeling something was not right. She was quieter and her invention creating had stopped. I wanted to ask her if she was alright but didn’t know how to approach her. Then I knew.

“Eva? Hi well I wanted to say thank you, I never really got the chance to tell you”, I said in a shaky voice. She then started to cry. I was scared, it was lunch time and I had gone were she usually was at. Down by the trees, isolated. I had no other choice but to ask, “Are you okay? What’s wrong?” she then looked at me and said, “He died.” At that time I don’t know if I was more surprised that she talked or the fact that this ‘he’ had died. She then went on telling me with her tiny fragile voice about Todd Carter, the guy that she was always with. She had recently faced the death of her boyfriend and seemed like a wreck. That was not good, especially because I had no clue how to deal or be sympathetic about it.
She had told me everything and I tried to help. Astonishingly I must have said something which made her perceive to keep going.

Soon enough three days later, she was back to normal and I got to like her. She wasn’t as bad as everyone came to think. She was a normal person with problems like everyone else. She just kept to herself and was silent. Silence is golden.

Before the school year ended she had send me a letter, saying thank you. I never quite kept contact with her but two years later I found out she had a business already. She was soon worldwide recognized for her famous inventions. Remember how in the beginning I had said many things have changed since 2015; new technology, new month’s new alphabet? That was all due to her. Eva Samler, she had made a change in the world which had never been made before and which could be later used for human assistance. This reminded me of the project we had. She had really made an impact and she said it was because of me.

“Dear Charlotte, it is now the year 2015 and you may not remember me but I have remembered you. I am Eva Samler; yes the one who has created many inventions, but u may remember me as the one who never talked. Because of you I am where I’m at. But I send you this card because I never got to say thank you. Just as you came back to thank me, I would like to do the same. Thank you very much for your help, from Eva Samler.”

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