Dog-Less? | Teen Ink


April 2, 2013
By zack adams BRONZE, Providence, Rhode Island
zack adams BRONZE, Providence, Rhode Island
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On the drive to the white home, with little black shutters, why are shutters even there? What do shutters even...My mother whispered to me, intruding my thoughts, as if hers, her thoughts were little black theives.

the...little black dog has died. She whispered,the littleblack dog that was mean? The dog that went blind, after she was diagnosed? The dog that would run into walls? Falling like the tired Julie Moss and not getting up. It seemed she just wanted to crumple up in her doggy-bed and just...die.

The owner loved her dog, loved its ragged black 16 year old hide...too much. She knew there was going to be a time, when she had to let this dog go, not now, later? Putting it off and then forgetting about it. On pupose? I didn't really see anything in the dog.

The pain the owner was going thru, to the vet, by herself to put that dog to sleep. She really loved that dog, and now she is gone. The owner stretched that little black dog's life so far,too far. But it's time came. The owner who is sad bacause she knew that dog was suffering. She has told me that she is selfish, keeping the dog to herself. I didn't really see anything in that dog. She, the owner, who lives alone, the owner, my grangmother Dogless?

Nooo! My mother says, trying to take back what she said. She has died her fur black, she says.

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