Anna and Liz | Teen Ink

Anna and Liz

April 3, 2015
By IndigoEdwarddz SILVER, Owings Mills, Maryland
IndigoEdwarddz SILVER, Owings Mills, Maryland
7 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"People should fall in love with their eyes close." -Andy Worhol

I am Anna, I know this because Liz is calling me. I know Liz because she is part of me. The ceiling over me is pale blue and I can feel that my fingernails are unkempt because of the way they rub against the bedsheets. I know that I’ve done something that could have be questionable because of the way her eyebrows resemble a f****** half swastika.
"You didn't have to do that." She said.
"I did though," I say "Zack was trying to steal your seat. We can’t have that, can we?" The harassment started in 5th grade when Zack touched her for the first time. I remember his hand on her shoulder and her flinching. People say that when boys tease you it's because they like you. He doesn't like her.
"I could have found another seat." she said.
"You passed out. I was really worried about you." The thing about Elizabeth Taylor is that she’s a go-getter,she likes to take the worst of life’s folk and force them into her world. Not today she won’t. She cries a little and makes me feel a certain way about her.
"Why?" I said She sat in my hospital bed, I made space for her.
"... There was a lot of blood. When Mr. Juneau turned around Zack already had the chair. I was going to tell him that Zack did it." She turned her head, I stared at her. Her brown hair was pulled back. Her brown eyes, red-rimmed, like someone she cared about was dying.
"Stop, I’m fine." I raised my chin as she searched my face. I hoped she would find something she liked.   
"Can I see your mirror?"
"Sure." she grabbed her bedazzled blue mirror out of her pocket and handed it to me.
I looked at my face. I had a scar that started in between the end of my right eye and my nose. It
ended somewhere in the middle of my cheek.
"When did I get stitches?"
“No idea.”
I continued to examine and found that the way my skin pulled itself together reminded my of the end of an orange. The weird green part surrounded by the orange part. the stitches stuck out a bit like that.
"When did my parents leave?"
"About an hour ago."
"Oh." I said.
“So I‘m staying at yours then?”
A doctor with toms shoes walked in. She had dreadlocks.
"How are you?"
“Anna Jackson.”
"I need to see the patient alone." she said.
There was something about the way her hair fell as if it were the one being put out made me laugh and in turn made her turn to face me a smile back that made me wonder about f****** her.
A couple hours before the trees were stretching and the sky was crying. Elie simply couldn’t let go of the fact that there were people who were different from him who could answer math questions at a much higher rate.
"How do you sit next to her?”
"It's not your chair!" I said
And then we come back to the hospital.
"Are you sure that’s what happened?"
"Anna, this is serious."
"I know."
"So what you’re telling me is that-"
"I tripped and fell on a rock and then fell and hit my head on another rock."
"You fell and tripped on a rock... at school?"
"Well...I was-"
"Ana, Elizabeth told me what happened. And so did Allyson. Elizabeth said that it wasn't the first time that you stood up for her and got hurt. Elizabeth said that this was the first time that you needed stitches and she thought it was all her fault. I really admire what you did for her... Do you want to tell me what really happened?"
"You don't have to tell me why you did it if you don't want me to." he said.
"I just... I'm uh..."
"This is Dr.Smith's card."
"Bethany Smith?"
"She’s my wife. She is a counselor at your school; maybe if you don't want to talk to me you can talk to her about it. Elizabeth said that you’re more comfortable around girls."
"...I’ll um... I’ll think about it."  I ended up saying.
"You should."
"This is cream for your eyes use it 4 times a day."
"Oh... OK. Can I go now?"
"Sure I’ll call your mom" he said then got up and left.
My parents were back at the hospital in about an hour. I spent that hour sitting in silence thinking of all the possible reasons she could have said that. One stuck in my mind but in the end I decided that she was just joking when she said I was more comfortable around girls. The next morning I went back to school. No one said anything to me but as soon as I turned my back I heard everyone in the hallway start laughing.
"Oh no, it looks like the doctors couldn't fix your face!”
“Where your girlfriend, Scarface?” Zack said.
"I'm not gay."
"Oh I'm sorry babe, no idea you were so sensitive. In case you forgot," he leaned into my ear "I know your secret and if you don't leave us alone I’m going to tell her."
Then he walked away. Scarface, how original.
"Are you going to tell me what's been up with you lately? Or are you going to pretend nothing's wrong?" She looked concern as she bit her sandwich.
"Nothing's wrong,"  I watched the sun highlight her hair and smiled. "I
promise." We had our own table at the back of the cafeteria because no one
else would sit with us.
"Whatever if you don't want to tell me you don't have to." She frowned into her water bottle.I felt my heart start to ache.
"You need to know that badly?"
"Yes!" head turned at the sudden scream.
"Elizabeth...I think I..."
"You did what?"
"Anna, please." She said.
“I'm sorry, I have to go. Therapy starts at 12:30." I got up and left the cafeteria and left Elizabeth more confused than ever. I pulled the pass out of my pocket and frowned. Room 45 was right next to my homeroom class. I opened the gold door knob

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