There's always different happy endings | Teen Ink

There's always different happy endings

March 2, 2016
By SonicSlam BRONZE, Bufflo, New York
SonicSlam BRONZE, Bufflo, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is 8:00am in the morning. I think it is September 21st, 2080. Well at least she thinks it is. How could you tell in space? All you see is darkness and the lights coming from the earth and the sun sometimes. But at least I have Robert and Cisco to drown out the silence. They both can't stop arguing about football and which teams are the best and which ones aren't. But sometimes, it's just best when I can read and drink some tea while looking out the window. I guess it's not all that bad.  I got entertainment, food, and a beautiful view. I just wish they gave us better beds but hey, beggars can't be choosers. I just wish my parents could see me now.
September 22, 12:00 noon, we have a new member.  He might not be new to space but he is new to us.  His name is Neahmiah.  Some people call him Nemo for short.  He’s been up here for almost 20 years.  He’s seen and done more things than  we have.  He’s really famous for traveling through the whole Milky Way but at least we have someone with more experience. He does not say much.  He kind of just comes and goes like a ghost.
“How’s your day been?” Sophie said.
“Good” Neahmiah mumbled. 
“You don’t say much do you?” Sophie said curiously.
“I have nothing to say,” Neahmiah said.
“And why is that?” Sophie said.
“You know this ship is not going to hold,” Neahmiah said bluntly.
“What?” Sophie said.
“Go to the west wing of the ship you will last for maybe a month,” Neahmiah said.
“Wh..what we need to tell the others,” Sophie stuttered.
“I tried to, they just laughed and said I was crazy,” Neahmiah said.
“Just go and don’t come back to this wing,” Neahmiah said.
“Are you coming”Sophie said.
“I have been up here for almost 30 years. I think my time is up, just get out of here and don’t come back. Space is not all that they try to say it is. Once you have spent half of your life up here you would understand that missing out on all the good things in life, like spending time with the ones you love, to have a family, to grow old, and see the beauty of the world…..just go and hopefully you will make it and not be condemned to this hell,” Neahmiah explained.
Sophie safely makes it to the west wing of the ship and closes the door.
September 23 9:00am:  Everyone is gone, the whole other half of the ship has been cut in half by a rock, and only the west wing survived. I’ve got lots of food that probably can last me till the end of the month.  I have lost everyone … Cisco….Robert… parents. 
September 26 4:00pm: I finally have got in contact with NASA but, they said there's nothing they can really do till November.  I don’t think I will last.
October 3 time unknown:  There everywhere the voices the people i can see my parents again and it feels nice…….i am not going crazy i can’t be. I ran out of food but i can try and make it off of water for a bit well at least for a few weeks. The oxygen has dropped so i have to sleep in this stupid suit if not i might die.
“How are you doing honey” Sophies mom said.
“Good i think i might make it”Sophie said.
“it will be ok you will be with us soon we are all waiting for you” Sophies mom said.
“soon…...soon”Sophie said
October 25. My room how… did i get here
“You’re ready come take off that helmet and relax you're safe now”Sophies mom said.
“How did you all get here”Sophie said.
“don’t worry any more just relax and take off the suit”Sophies dad said.
As Sophie looked around she looked at Neahmiah he gave her a happy wink she looked at the door and took off her helmet she fell back and hit the hard cold metal floor soon everything was back to normal she was in the ship but she could feel every last breath leave her body as she looks up she can remember when she use to dream of going to space and getting away from all the danger but it had followed her like a bad smell. But she was glad that she was going to be back with her friends and family. She raised her hand up with all her strength and turned her suit off but before she did that she said her finally words.
“What a life”Sophie said.

November 20 12:00am
“Looks like a mess up here,”
“You're telling me half of the ship is gone,”
“O well lets get her and lets go but she’s dead well were not justing going to leave her here now get to it,”
After privet Sophie body was discovered she was brought back to earth and was giving a proper burial but she will never be forgotten.

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