Suicide Love... | Teen Ink

Suicide Love...

July 27, 2010
By Alexandier... SILVER, Cleveland, Ohio
Alexandier... SILVER, Cleveland, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As i sit there in the middle of the street, at 11 at nit3.
Ur head laying on my leg.
iHold ur hand&use my other hand to push down on the wound on ur heart.
Ur bleeding constantly, i cant stop it.
iNotice ur heartz broken.
What have i done?
Its all my fault!
iBroke ur heart&now ur leavin me 4ever...what did i do!?!?!

Now that u left me...its my time to join u.
As i sit there with ur lifeless body still laying on my leg, i grab my dagger from my back pocket.
You left with ur heart broken&now i*ll leave the same way.
iTake da dagger&stab my heart.
As i bleed out continuously i whisper out loud to myself "if we couldn*t be 2gether on Earth, now we can..."

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on Aug. 28 2010 at 10:53 am
HippieNamedAnna PLATINUM, Kansas City, Missouri
21 articles 7 photos 90 comments

Favorite Quote:
Let It Be-The Beatles<br /> Music is the only thing that makes sense any more-Me<br /> Make love, not war-a bunch of people<br /> Roses are red, Violets are blue, I have five fingers, The middle one&#039;s for you-Me :)

damn! well thats depressing