Idoris | Teen Ink


September 8, 2023
By HannaHanDoramy PLATINUM, Troy, Other
HannaHanDoramy PLATINUM, Troy, Other
23 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.<br /> ——Oscar Wilde

Under the radiant sun, Idoris emerges, a city crisscrossed by a multitude of rivers—some winding like serpents, others forming perfect circles, a few even assuming the geometrical shape of triangles. They flow between buildings, tucked into walls, and serve as cherished symbols in homes, adored by children and pets alike.

In every household of Idoris, a connection to these rivers endures. When bathed in daylight, these waterways glitter and gleam so profoundly that they bewilder the senses. Vision blurs, sounds fade, and one may succumb to dizziness, eventually losing consciousness.

The locals of Idoris often jest with outsiders, playfully accusing them of lacking the resilience to appreciate the city's unique beauty, risk having their imaginative faculties wither over time. To outsiders, Idoris appears somewhat eccentric and obsessed with her own reflection, even perpetually deceiving herself...

Within these rivers, numerous ordinary silhouettes come to life—sometimes intertwining like fates, occasionally breaking apart, and at times overlapping like enigmatic dreams that have broken free from the bounds of reality. Here, in the watery sanctuary, reality transforms into an ever-changing world.

Amidst the interplay of lustrous light and ethereal shadow, where humanity meets nature, these scenes are frozen in time. A smile, the carefree play of children, a joyous pursuit—each tableau becomes timeless, a captured moment in existence.

Indeed, this, perhaps, is the most authentic essence of Idoris.

The author's comments:

This article was inspired by Italo Calvino's book "Invisible Cities." In this book, the author created various marvelous and imaginative cities. After reading this book, I was immediately inspired to use my imagination and write about a small city that existed in my mind. Thus, Idoris came into being. It is a city composed of rivers, where the gentle flowing waters assist people in self-reflection and record their daily lives. But if all you do is gaze at the flowing water every day, hoping it will bring something to you, where is your own life? In the interplay of light and shadow, how can you know the true essence of that stream?

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 10 2024 at 3:47 pm
On_A_Journey SILVER, Sparks, Nevada
7 articles 3 photos 126 comments

Favorite Quote:
Not all those who wander are lost- J.R.R Tolkien

Nice writing style! This makes me want to know more about Idoris, and the people who live there