Sci-fi/Fantasy along with Romance | Teen Ink

Sci-fi/Fantasy along with Romance

March 19, 2013
By runnergirl15 BRONZE, Bloomfield, Kentucky
runnergirl15 BRONZE, Bloomfield, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All Anna Trambet has known was her life in small town. It is all she’s ever known. She has never had a reason to second guess her best friend, her parents, and her life since she moved to Vermont fifteen years ago.

But when her father suddenly begins to disappear for weeks at a time and her mother oddly secretive, she knows something must be up. After discovering a hidden letter from a foreign government, Anna realizes her parents aren’t who she thinks they are. Everything seems to hit a dead end until she meets mysterious Rider Cecil and develops a strange attraction to him. As she struggles to piece together the mystery of the letter and putting an end to the unavoidably terror that lay ahead of her, she realizes it’s not only her parents past that is in the dark; it’s her very own.

The author's comments:
I became inspired to write this small snippet of the back cover to decide whether this is a good book to spend my time on writing.

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