Spooky Teens | Teen Ink

Spooky Teens

January 27, 2024
By FishInSpace BRONZE, Newton Falls, Ohio
FishInSpace BRONZE, Newton Falls, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The teens didn’t believe in Ouija boards until the things the board told them started coming true. This group of four teenage boys were hanging out all night at one guy's house. They were staying at their friend Zanders house for the night. They were all bored and then they started to watch a youtube video about this guy using a Ouija board and the boys all thought that the video was fake. Jake said that his older sister has a Ouija board, so he went into his sister's room and grabbed the Ouija board box off of her shelf. He walked back to the group that was hanging out inside of his basement. He sat down with the board and they turned the box over and looked at the rules. One of the other boys, Logan, was too lazy to read the rules and he just wanted to see if it was true or not. The other two boys, Caleb and Devin didn't really care about the rules but they were just listening but after Logan suggested to not read the rules and to just start playing so then they agreed. Zander turns the boc back over and opens it. He grabbed out the planchetta and placed the board on his table. They all sat around the table and got ready to play. They put the planchetta on the board and they all put two of their fingers on the planchetta. They spin it around in a circle like the guy in the video did and then they started to ask questions. Logan asked, “Is there anything here?” and the planchetta didn't move for 3 minutes. Then Caleb asked a question, “Is the devil here with us?” and then the planchetta started to move back and forth like crazy, it kept going from yes to then spelling run. Zander yelled, “DUDE DIDN'T YOU PAY ATTENTION? YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO ASK IT SOMETHING LIKE THAT?” Then Caleb said, “Dude, I don't care, it's probably just you moving it.” RIght after Caleb said that they heard a loud crash from upstairs. They all put their hands off of the planchetta because the noise scared them. The planchetta somehow kept moving while spelling “run” over and over. Then Logan got up and started to walk up the stairs. “Logan, what are you doing?” Zander asked logan. “I'm going upstairs to see what that noise was.” Logan said. “Dude but what if that was a demon?” Zander said. “Dude demons don't exist, it was probably just your sister messing with us because we took the board.” Logan said. “But my sister isn't home and my parents are on vacation. So we are the only ones home.” Zander stated. Right after Zander said that Logan got ready to open the door but then they heard a loud bang on the door and then a loud growl. Logan ran back down the stairs to the table and they all looked up the stairs. They didn't have any light other than for the 4 candles that they had on the table. The door swung open and then all of a sudden the candles bl;ew out and they heard a bunch of stomps down the stairs and then the boys heard another loud growl from right in front of them. They all started yelling but then the light turned on and they saw Zander's sister standing right in front of them. Her friends walked down the stairs so that they're all in the basement to laugh at them. Zanders' sister and her friends all started laughing. They kept laughing and then the boys started to complain. Then Devin asked, “Guys I do think that was funny but how did you get the planchetta to stay moving around after we took our hands off?” Zanders' sister then says ”Wait, what do you mean? We did do anything to the planchetta.” They all turn the planchetta and they land on the spot that says “goodbye” and then the door slams shut and the lights turn off and then they start hearing growls from up the stairs

The author's comments:

This story was created in a span of roughly 40 minutes and it was one of my first ever stories. I had little to no knowledge on how to write when this was created.

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This article has 1 comment.

KG394 said...
on Jan. 29 2024 at 8:59 am
KG394, Loop, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
That is a great way to pull a prank.