stairs | Teen Ink


January 16, 2014
By hanksey10 SILVER, Nunica, Michigan
hanksey10 SILVER, Nunica, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I may walk slowly, but never backward.<br /> protect this house I will

My hands trace the cold steal railing, and my bare feet scuff the carpeted stairs with every dragging step. The spiraled stairs seem endless up or down, so I push forward looking for any scrap of sunlight. The candled torches on the wall guide my way with their flames, but as I pass them each one extinguishes. Leaving everything behind me swallowed in darkness and silence. All I hear is the sound of my own steps, which is reassuring, theirs no echo of steps behind me. Out from behind me a small noise fills the walls. It’s a music box; slowing playing you are my sunshine. The song my mother would sing to me as a child. My feet stopped, and I turned and looked into the darkness. The view was the same, endless. My foot brushed a small object out of the corner of my eye. As I looked closer I seen it was a baby blanket, my baby blanket. The blanket I lost when I was little. I stared at it, shocked to see it again. The soft music got louder and a laugh burned my ears. The torches that had once been engulfed ignited with their old flame. I was only four steps up the stair case. How, when I have been walking for hours? The sinking feeling filled me and I gripped the blanket and sprinted up the stairs, scrambling forward.
“Leave me alone! Please I just want to go home!”
“I’ve always been with you.” Its voice rasps and chills my spine
“Keep running baby, never give up” my mother’s voice, but it’s not my mother.
It laughs and the walls shake and vibrate, the colors around me fade, as if the paint on the walls were dying. I can feel its breathing. Its sharp hands squeeze tight on my leg. As he holds my limb, my heart feels its fingers. He’s wrapped inside my chest, destroying my physical body and gripping my soul. I scream “God help me!”. My eyes jolt open and I spring forward. The rest of my class stares at me and my teacher seems speechless. I just sit calmly back in my desk and try to think of anything to keep my mind of the monster that fallows me in my dreams.

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