Change | Teen Ink


August 14, 2014
By Hourglass.NN. BRONZE, Albury, Other
Hourglass.NN. BRONZE, Albury, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

8:40, I decided to go down to the bar, the moon long since risen.
The bar was packed; I ordered a drink but soon after discovered there was nowhere sit, so I stood in the corner drinking. I’d nearly finished when four strangers walked up to me, as they walked over me I noticed they seem different from the others most of their skin was completely covered and the small amount that was showing i couldn't see.

I stood there for a few minutes when they came back with a red drink, I took it gladly and sipped, it tasted different but good I asked what it was but they wouldn't tell, I finished thanked them gave them $20 and started walking home I checked my watch 9:00 better be getting home after I few more steps I get the feeling someone is following me I walk a bit more I still get the feeling I’m being watched, scared I turn around and yell out no one came towards me I decided to continue walking.

I got home got changed and went to bed.

The next morning the sun streamed through my window but unfortunately my arms and face felt like they were burning I go to brush my teeth the burning stops momentarily . I enter the bathroom and start brushing I look in the mirror and find no reflection I jump and start biting my lip it starts bleeding I was surprised and my teeth seem sharper I try to go outside but the sun burned I try to think what caused this I suddenly remember what the bar the pale faced weirdos and the drink they gave my it wasn't wine I realized what happened I became terrified. After laying down and relaxing I realized what i must do.

The author's comments:
I got the idea to write this story after my year 6 teacher told me about a story writing by his Daughter about vampires but without mentioning the word vampire and i decided i would try this is the result

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