The Inner Demon | Teen Ink

The Inner Demon

October 16, 2014
By Womaninaphonebox SILVER, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
Womaninaphonebox SILVER, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I shall not take cloak and dagger against a fool who follows blindly.

As the sky darkens, the monster in me comes out. Its hunger drives me, my mind subdued from remorse. There is no sating it. Why am I cursed to be this being of pure, undiluted, evil?! Why must I kill and maim to feed? Why am I a slave to a monsters desires? When did this become a part of me? Why? This mysterious voice is calling me even now, in the daylight. I can control it, for now. But, once the moon rises, I cannot keep it inside. I must let it free. Feel the power, the rage inside! What have I done to deserve this monster!? Was it always a part of me? The beast is growling, its greatest desire to come out and make me a shell, a puppet to its whims! I remember every moment when I feed, I feel the blood flow across my lips, see the horror in my victims eyes as their life fades, and can smell the coppery, livid scent of their fear! And to think- they believe this is all due to me! When it is something ancient they should truly fear! Those ignorant fools! I shall take vicious blade and sharp claw against them all! For this monstrosity that is inside me must be fed! I am no more then a servant, forced to obey his masters whim!  The whim of a demon, using my body whenever the moon rises high! He must be sated with the blood of the innocent and doused in the fear of his victims!

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