Jobs! the easy and the dhard | Teen Ink

Jobs! the easy and the dhard

January 25, 2010
By sdaddysgirl SILVER, Henderson, Nevada
sdaddysgirl SILVER, Henderson, Nevada
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Changing jobs is a very hard thing to go through. If you loose your job or even if you quit. I loved my mom with all my hearts even if I only got to see her for 5 min. at night. She was a hard worker and successful at everything she did. She would drop us off at grandmas house in the morning and grandma would take us to school and pick us up after.

My mom worked at BB&T as a full time teller. She had to start because we bought a new house and we needed the extra income. I loved my grandma but I really wanted to spend more time with my mom. As soon as I began kindergarten that all changed.

My dad got a promotion so she could stop working and take care with us. I loved waking up with my mom lying besides kissing my forehead saying “its time to wake up sweetie” in a very sweet voice. She said that it was hard to leave the social network but she loves spending time with us. I remember when she taught me how to fly a kite. The kite soured through the sky; the wind whistled through my ears. Its thing like that she would have missed if she wouldn’t have stopped working.

Sometimes it’s hard to make a big switch in your job. Whether people like the switch and get promoted or you hate it and get laid off. No mater what, you have to go through it.

The author's comments:
Its allways hard to make a big change.


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