Time Will Only Tell | Teen Ink

Time Will Only Tell

May 20, 2010
By A.Bush BRONZE, Oakville, Other
A.Bush BRONZE, Oakville, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;there are darknesses in life, and there are lights; you are one of the lights&quot; - Bram Stoker<br /> <br /> &quot;All I can do is be me, whoever that is.&quot;-Bob Dylan<br /> <br /> &quot;everyone has their own story, it&#039;s just waiting to be written&quot;

He is gone, with the relation ruined from the one who raised them. He will never know the truth, she always will. They have a huge age gap which will only cause problems for the future. She loves him deeply, but he will never know, and will never understand until he is old enough to know--unless it becomes to late. People dream, and she wonders if he ever dreams of her, with the lack of relation they had-because of HER. They say when in doubt, remain in silent; and as sad and cowardly that may sound, that is just what she needs to do-until time grows and he becomes old enough to comprehend what she went through as a child, and teen; all because of HER. She needs to wait till she is older, as an adult and when he is a teen, hoping the relation they used to have can be restored. She's been through so much that things will be hard to explain, but hoping that courses repeat and he will go through the same-so when she describes the neglect, pain, confusion and invasion-he hopefully will experience the same. Time will only tell, but if the cards are played out right, she can save him from the wretched, tyrant mother that tormented her, within raising.

The author's comments:
about my half brother, whom i can not see, because of my mom.

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