Thick Is The New Thin | Teen Ink

Thick Is The New Thin

December 16, 2013
By Lynette.. SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
Lynette.. SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everybody Dies But Not Everybody Lives <br /> -Drake

Not everyone wants to be thin. A lot of people would love to be thick, round, or curvy because thin girls can't do what thick girls do and they don't have what we have either! Some thick girls have curves, hips, booty,boobs, and a sweet attitude, while thin girls only have a cute face with a nasty attitude. Don't get me wrong, there are some thick girls with nasty attitudes, but it's really hard to find those girls. And the one thing I hate is when thin girls have the never to call us fat and then they say they're happy being skinny -_- Really? Legend says that the only reason why thin girls have such a nasty attitude is because they have to wear pants that are 2 sizes too tight so they can show off their so-called "curves" and because they wish they had a thick girls body shape so they try to make us feel bad, but guess what? It's not working! So they can stop with the mean insults. This is just MY opinion


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Jazzy said...
on Nov. 29 2016 at 6:40 pm
Skinny girls can be just as attractive as thick
You attitude is discusting and I can tell you're very insecure
There is no need to be rude to people who have a smaller body size because they don't have with "you have "I'm positive they are happy just the way you are it's pretty annoying that the new "thick." Trend have women who won't shut the hell up and stop body shaming women who don't look like them
Just love yourself! That's all you need to do it's not about "skinny women." Being bitches
Because You sound like a bitch tbh
Thick or thin nobody is ugly and it all depends on a person personality.
Stop with the hateful insecure nonsense