What if.... | Teen Ink

What if....

March 1, 2012
By Christopher Wall BRONZE, LaVista, Nebraska
Christopher Wall BRONZE, LaVista, Nebraska
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes I try to imagine how things would be now, have been if we had today’s technology, back in the Civil War times. What if we went back in time and gave a soldier one of our top of the line sniper rifles or a tactical assault rifle? What would our modern weapons be like today? Who knows? If we did, would our weapons be more advanced than ever thought possible? What if we somehow went back in time and introduced the latest fighter jet to the Wright Brothers? Or even just show them one of our commercial 747 planes. What would our modern planes look like now? On the other hand, what would it be like today if we didn’t have the technology that we do today? Would life be simpler? Would there be more honest people in our world that we could trust with our life? What would our automotive transport be like if we went back to show Mr. Ford the new 2012 Mustang Boss 302? I bet he would fall over in amazement. Our world has overcome many obstacles with technology. I know I wouldn’t have thought living back in Civil War time that we would have fully automatic rifles, and snipers that are effective for one and a half miles on a bad day. As we speak the things that we know today are being outdated into something more technically advanced. I just bought my I Phone 4S two months ago and now there is a new I Phone. Our world is changing fast. This is a good thing to some people, but maybe we are moving a long a little too fast. What if we slow things down?


This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 9 2012 at 9:14 am
Wow Chris!!!! What a GREAT piece!  I love the contrast and just the examples in general!  You really know how to get the reader's attention and you succeeded on this piece.  Keep on writing and don't stop!!