Only "I" | Teen Ink

Only "I"

April 1, 2014
By Breemckinney SILVER, Bradford, Pennsylvania
Breemckinney SILVER, Bradford, Pennsylvania
6 articles 1 photo 17 comments

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Broken hearts and scars in only places she could see. She just wanted to feel something.

An inspiration is someone or something that motivates you to keep going, even when you feel like you just want to give up. They tell us to find our inspiration when we are old enough to understand what the word means. Many people would expect an answer like “I want to be able to play sports” or “My parents expect it from me.” But my inspiration is myself, because only “I” can push myself to do something. Only “I” can make a choice whether to just give up or keep on going. Only “I” can make a change. But only “I” can decide whether it’s worth it, and I will only “I”

The author's comments:
Only I can make my life worth living. Nobody else


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