Science: Curse or Blessing | Teen Ink

Science: Curse or Blessing

March 13, 2016
By WriterExpert7 GOLD, Lahore, Other
WriterExpert7 GOLD, Lahore, Other
19 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"What I am looking for is not out there, it's in me." ~ Hellen Keller

The conceptual satisfaction of a person is achieved through religion, philosophy and commendable literature. On the other hand, the practical satisfaction of human wants is fulfilled through technology, basic and advanced. Science is the knowledge that bridges the gap between the conceptual and practical fulfillment of diverse human needs. In addition, science gives authenticity to religious, philosophical, literary and technological works. It rectifies/explains the deficiencies/purpose of all.

The word science is originated from the Latin word 'Scientia' which means 'Knowledge'. Thus, it is the knowledge attained through practices and studies about nature and universe. Also, anything that can be explained in mathematical terms is called science. When there was no science, mankind had conjectural and obscure knowledge about things and events. Scientists are people who have expert knowledge about science; they explore material things and try to figure out patterns and rules to explain what they are and how they work.

I think, science acts as a blessing, but at the same time, a curse as well. It depends on two factors; first, how people utilizes and speculate about it (people who evaluate and handle science negatively are affected negatively, in contrast, people who consider and manage it positively are affected otherwise). Now it is noteworthy that people who are influenced negatively by science may refer it as a curse but people who are influenced otherwise may acknowledge it a blessing. In other words, it is our mentality and approach which makes it a blessing or a curse. Second, when a bad leader stimulates engineers or pseudo scientists towards horrible inventions from science which is harmful to us and our society, people state science a curse, but once, when a good leader motivates engineers towards human-friendly technology, which saves us and our society from dreadful inventions, people refer science as a blessing. Thus, it is the category of the newly inventions which enthuse/despair people towards science, whether it is a curse or a blessing.

Practically, there are many advantages and disadvantages of science. Some people use science inappropriately and improperly, this wrong treatment with science is the sole reason which creates disadvantages of science but its benefits are immeasurable. I think, the biggest advantage of science is, it gives concrete and coordinated knowledge about things and events. After this, science provides the basis for technology which solves our countless daily-life problems and provides ease to us at multiple occasion of life. Technology is the collection of tools, including machinery, modifications, arrangements and procedures used by humans. In other words, any mechanic-based thing which grants benefits to humanity is called technology, an outcome of science. In the words of Edward Teller: "the science of today is the technology of tomorrow."

If we look on the disadvantages of science, we see, sometimes people prepare/produce dreadful objects/environs by using it improperly, for example, science provides bases to harmful weapons, etc. No doubt, science gives concrete knowledge about everything yet sometimes, scientists present irrational comments on religious truths, i.e., about God and life after death. The biggest disadvantage of technology, which is the offshoot of science, is that it pulls us away from people, self and nature. Moreover, sometimes technology has unfavorable effects on our environment, e.g., vehicles and factories cause pollution which is the main reason for global warming.

To abolish the inapt uses of science and technology, we should put forward an institutional boundary to all these negative methods/applications of the mentioned terms, which are harmful to our society and the environment. This approach will inevitably restrain wrongdoers and earth will become a peaceful and pleasurable place for all human/non-human beings.

The author's comments:

Science is a great discovery of human quest for truth. I humbly think science is both, curse and blessing. We may call it a blessing when it has positive effects on humanity e.g. manufacturing of medicines for healing purposes. And we can state it a curse when it has negative impacts towards society e.g. destructive weapons. To find an answer to such a dilemma, there must be a certain limit on science to control negative effects of science on the human race.


This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 14 2017 at 5:13 pm
ScarletIce4695 GOLD, Karachi, Other
13 articles 1 photo 57 comments
Good work! *thumbs up*