What If We Did Something Else? | Teen Ink

What If We Did Something Else?

October 31, 2017
By Abby_Does BRONZE, Clare, Michigan
Abby_Does BRONZE, Clare, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Your fate is not yet sealed. In the darkest of night, a star will shine, a bird will chime, and path will be revealed.

It’s all over the news. You hear it on the radio. You see it in football games. You even hear the President of the United States talking about it. It's the only thing I  hear. How do you feel about taking a knee during the national anthem?

The first reason why I think we should do something else during the National Anthem is that even the President Of the United States is talking about it! Well, he’s not really talking about it, he’s more of arguing about it. If anything, he’s creating more negativity and drama than it’s needed, instead of solving the problem with direct and controllable messages to the source.  He is not helping whatsoever, and in my opinion, just making things worse.

My second reasoning is that people feel as if they are disrespecting and dishonoring our wonderful country by taking a knee. Honestly, it’s not as bad as they say. They say that it’s a disgrace to society, which isn’t exactly true. They are not breaking any laws, if only they are stretching there rights that we were given when our first founding fathers fought for what we have now. Yes, they might be stretching the Flag Codes, but we shouldn't be punished or disrespected if we think taking a knee is okay to do.

My Last reasoning is that people are taking it way too seriously. If this country allows our citizens to do what they think is right, then why is it so wrong to take a knee during the National Anthem? Our wonderful country has given us the privilege to do what we think is right. Why should they be criticized? I understand that they don’t think it’s right but they shouldn’t  be rude to them. Seriously.

So yeah, i guess taking a knee is a good way to honor those who have fallen, but I think we should do something else, but while still honoring our country but with less negativity. How do you feel?

The author's comments:

 I hope this article helps you figure out what you feel! 


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