A Book Lover's Letter | Teen Ink

A Book Lover's Letter

July 15, 2018
By RiddhiChat BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
RiddhiChat BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Dear Books,
I would like to take this opportunity
to express my gratitude,
and thank you for accompanying me
in moments of solitude.

Thanks for all those lovely thoughts
that you've implanted in my mind.
Thanks for introducing me
to people of all kind.

Thanks for helping me to glide
through all the excruciating hours.
Thanks for making me believe
that even I might have superpowers!

Thank you for the motivation
and the encouragement to burn bright.
And lastly, thanks a lot 
for converting darkness into light.

The author's comments:

This is a simple poem that every book lover can effortlessly relate to. It expresses a gratitude for books that every book lover feels but is unable to express as it is often lost among other matters.

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