That Sound I Heard Last Night | Teen Ink

That Sound I Heard Last Night

August 8, 2018
By RiddhiChat BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
RiddhiChat BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

What was that sound I heard last night?

What was that which gave me a fright?

Was it real? Or something I dreamed?

Was it really all it seemed?

Was it a laugh? Or a cry of pain?

Was it the thunder and the rain?

Was it the night bird's song?

Maybe it wasn't anything, maybe I was wrong.

But still I can't help thinking and or forget my fright,

All because of that sound I heard last night.

The author's comments:

This poem describes the plight of an individual when s/he is trying very hard to figure out something but is not able to do so. It's about a small, and maybe insignificant sound that someone hears at night and is not able to make out what the sound actually is.

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