Ode for Moonlight | Teen Ink

Ode for Moonlight

October 9, 2018
By Toriking123 BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Toriking123 BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh, perfect ball shining in the dark night

My love for you will never vanish

I love how you shine oh so bright

Your light is more beautiful than a plates garnish

Your light shines a way through the darkness

Like precious circled-diamonds, it beams

With its face so close, but so far.

You sit in the sky with your calmness

And brings me relaxation as it seems

I love what you are.

The author's comments:

Shierra wasn’t always interested in writing, however, over time she realized that writing isn’t solely pleasant words on a paper, but possesses more intended meaning to it. Her poems express how passionate she is about the things she loves and gives you her unique perspective of it. Shierra will undoubtedly continue exploring writing to the best of her abilities to present to her audience what she loves. She wants to show others that you just have to find the right rhythm of writing that speaks to you, and maybe, you might like writing too.

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