Overwhelmed | Teen Ink


October 9, 2018
By LittleRedBird BRONZE, Saginaw, Michigan
LittleRedBird BRONZE, Saginaw, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I feel like I’m drowning inside my own head

I can’t turn back now and sleep in my bed

Too much to do, too much to think

All this stress is bringing me to the brink

What do I do, where do I start

My mind is racing faster than my heart

But it didn’t have to be like this, it’s all my fault

Now the time is ticking and I wish it would just halt

There’s no way out, no escape route

It won’t help to just sit and pout

I am desperately reaching for help, I need a life saver

But there is no one around, my support can waver

My breathing is heavy, the world is spinning

I’m frantically trying to hold on, but my anxiety is winning

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