Violence equals silence | Teen Ink

Violence equals silence

October 22, 2018
By Anonymous

Every day and night your life is a disaster wishing you could be that one kid filled with laughter...

But violence tells you no then life tells you yes then you began to second guess is life worth living. You need some healing because you don't get good feelings all

Because of one word …


Most of the time that word is caused by one big misunderstanding or maybe a he said, she said.

But you think there is no use because if you fight what will be the excuse maybe one of those he told me or she told me so you stop because they don't see what you see. You see happiness and joy in your future life yet violence always comes in and puts up a fight. Violence, violence, violence creates silence, silence, silence. This time we take a stand put differences aside and grab each other hand by hand woman or man and we will fight verbally against one word that hurts,Us,deeply. You see this is where i start to get angry this beastly violence can't tame me. Maybe there right violence is not the key maybe it's the lock. Something we can't work around like time on a clock we take violence off the shelf and it just comes back to restock. That word what does it mean its behavior involving physical force used to hurt someone or something but maybe somethings are just not worth getting worked up over. See this is where I began to get angry this beastly word can't tame me i know we all think different but I hope you think the same as me see. And let's find a way to get rid of police brutality every time they pull me over i feel like they're after me. They shoot and kill one black and i'm wondering who’s after see. I won't incriminate the whites this whole time because we could not forget about black on black crime. We don't do it because we want to we do it to fit in then when we want a job we wonder why we can't get in.  I hate violence and i know that's a strong word but violence stinks just like a long turd yea we could start a protest but it's up to America to do the rest. Im only 13 but make differences like i got hair on my chest. I admit I say a lot and write a lot yet I rarely do i'm ready to end violence how about you. Yea they might fight but we will only speak and let our words flow like water from a leak. It's not always the individuals sometimes it's the country they go and fight a war and come back and ask us for money. No more bitter fist words are sweet as honey. I admit I say a lot and write a lot yet I don't do i'm ready to end violence what about you.

The author's comments:

I was told to write something about violence in any form and i chose poem i let many parents, teachers, and students, read and critizize this before turning it in to you guys it took a year to finally grow the courage to turn it in hope u enjoy

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