ZomBabies | Teen Ink


November 7, 2018
By Glenbo BRONZE, Eugene, Oregon
Glenbo BRONZE, Eugene, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was raised by what I've read

Books that teach to raise the dead

I don't use it for good or for evil

I use it for jobs that seem primeval

I try not to act too suspicious

Ignore the zombie that’s washing my dishes

Look past the gardner who is undead

Disregard the butler without a head

I live alone with my zombie creations

I’ve never been one for lasting relations

There is no father, just me; no drama

I'm like the zombies’ baby mama

The author's comments:

This is just a simple rhyming poem I made for my creative writing class. I find that the restrictions and rules of rhyming is a breeding ground for creativity in my mind. Nothing really inspired me to write this poem. It was just off-the-cuff rhyming and high school level immaturity.

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