Demons | Teen Ink


November 26, 2018
By shelby_pernicano BRONZE, Clifton, Colorado
shelby_pernicano BRONZE, Clifton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I see them wherever I go

Blinking over and over to see if they’re real,

They look me in the eyes and tell me hush

That if I don't tell they’d make me a deal.

If I did what they said

They would save me,

But little did I know

They were carefree.

So I did what they told me

And they cut me some slack,

I was doing bad things

But I could finally relax.

They had me by the throat

And I couldn’t get away,

Not much longer they said

But until then you have to stay.

They took me to a bridge

And told me to look down,

I saw the water at the bottom

Then last I remember is I drown.

Now I’m just like them

A demon of this life,

I guess they did save me

From the hell I was trying to survive.

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